What were you looking to achieve from your shoot with us?
As we never experienced anything like this before we had no expectations and went into this blind!
Tell us about your family and interests
We both first met nearly 17 years ago and have been married for 11 ½ years and Holly came along 10 ½ years ago.
We enjoy going out for walks, socializing and eating out. Marc has an interest in craft beers and Lisa like her wine! Holly also has expensive taste as she likes her Mocktails! We generally love spending time as a family.
As you know Holly’s main interest is and is training to be a black belt. She has done this since the age of four.
Had you ever done anything like this before?
No, only Lisa who had photos done for marketing purposes at work.
What props and personal items did you bring and why?
Holly took her Taekwondo suit, sparring gear which including gloves and protective helmet together with her medals she recently won at a competition.
How did your photographer use your items to suit a style?
The above was used in her action shots. These have been seen by her instructor who was really impressed and has been showing other members of his team.
Were you worried about any parts of the session beforehand and if so what?
Lisa was in-particular worried as she does not like having her photograph taken and was reluctant to attend, but as soon as we were greeted Chris was very welcoming and made us feel more relaxed.
Tell us about the favorite parts of your experience and why you enjoyed them
We absolutely enjoyed the whole experience. We felt that we bonded more as a family and even forgot the cameras where there. Chris was a natural and amazing with us especially Holly and we had such a fun time.
What advice do you have for other clients coming for a shoot with us?
Just do it! Money well spent and we get to cherish the memories on our wall forever.
What was your favorite image overall?
This was a tough choice as there was so many to chose from but we decided a shot of Holly with the wind in her hair. (The one we purchased) She looks like a model!
Are there any other comments that you would like to add?
Thank you so much of this experience!
If you are interested in coming along for a photoshoot yourselves, then please take a look at the following pages…